Power Ups
There are many powerups available to players in Aqua Lungers. For the most part they fit into three different categories:
Tools: Provide and advantage that isn't necessarily direct damage
Weapons: Damage or kill opponents and fish
Shields: Covers the player and provides some type of protection from attacks
With few exceptions (like shields) these abilities can be aimed with the players movement control. Standard d-pad inputs will be limited to 8 directions, but joystic or thumbstick inputs allow full 360 aim. With that out of the way, let's get started!
Monster Bait
As the name suggests, this item is made to attract the monster. When this item is in view, the monster will move to it and take a bite for a short period of time. Use this as a means to temporarily keep the monster in a location of your choosing.
Fish Egg
This item works by spawning many fish when deployed in the water. The fish will attack any players nearby, but will have a limited life span.
Gravity Well
The gravity well pulls things toward its center. When it's thrown, it starts small and then expands as it travels to a point where it is fully deployed. Once deployed, it pulls objects for a set period of time and then dissipates.
While the gravity well does not do direct damage, it's main strength is in immobilizing targets, and it does it really well by having a wide reach with which to grab enemies, players, and even some projectiles
The Bomb creates a deadly explosion with a wide radius. It can also be used to quickly mine treasure from sunken ships.
The javelin travels in an arc and is deadly against players and fish.
Magic Missile
The magic missile travels more slowly than the javelin, bus is able to follow targets as the attempt to evade.
The boomerang travels a short distance and then returns towards the player. This weapon does not kill players but is able to steal treasures and can be used to grab treasures and powerups at range. Upon returning successfully to the player, the boomerang can be thrown again.
Aqua Shield
The aqua shield lasts up to thirty seconds, but will only absorb three hits of any type.
Whirlwind Shield
The whirlwind shield works by creating a force that pushes objects away from the player and disappears after eight seconds.
Light Shield
The light shield only lasts three seconds, but during that time grants the user full invulnerability while killing any fish or players that make contact with the shield.